When you walk your path, sometimes you step in stuff. Now that I have your attention, I am not going to get in the messiness of life and challenges as teachers, blah blah blah. This post is about inquiry and sharing a little bit of my process. What does it mean to walk in your medicine or your medicine path? I use this term the way people use the term a calling. This can be super specific like those folks who knew at 5 years old they wanted to be a teacher or really open like the folks who know how they want to feel in their life work, but the specifics or the how haven't become clear to them yet. And calling/path isn't necessarily always related to the work you do( get paid for). What I am really referring to is about how you want to be in this world and what contributions you want to make to it with your existence.
This is a question I ask myself often. At different junctures of my life it has meant different things. There have been times when the answer resulted in big life changing decisions like job changes, enrollment in a program, a journey with a teacher, ending of relationships, or big risks of time and resources. Other times and ,more often it happened this way, it was the whispers to my soul. The empowered yes or no to an invitation, witnessing my magic and mystery , the readiness to look inside with curiosity, compassion, and courage. Or not feeling "ready" but doing it anyway because I know it was time. In action, this has looked like the work I have dedicated myself to. One of my closest friends in the world summed it up perfectly, you are a Life cycle support. I want to be with people when they come into the world and watch the moment a person becomes a parent; to unite beloveds in matrimony; to offer energy healing at moments of crossroads, illness, and transitions; to share what I know with the next generation of students; to hold ceremony when the moon cycle calls for it; to perform ritual when the occasion requires it; to gather ingredients and make medicine; to hold sacred space and presence for those who are dying and those they leave behind; and to sing the songs, share the food, and say the prayers that connect us to All of Our Relations. May the thing that inspires you reveal itself to you, may it sustain you, may you have infinite time and resources to do it beautifully. This is my prayer for all of us. I have the privilege ,not without sacrifices, to do this work of being a Medicine Woman. I would not change a thing. Well....maybe I can play with my title. How does Life Cycle Support Technician/Engineer sound to you? Blessings to every corner of your life.
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